What Supplements are Good for Heart Health?
Among all of the health goals the new year brings about, achieving better heart health is one of the most popular ones. This is so…
Simply Healthy, Simply Nutrients
Maybe you’re not sure if you should be taking vitamins or you don’t know which ones to take amongst the sea of choices. Our recent article aptly titled Make Your Body Magnificient With Multi-Vitamins may be able to help.
According to a Johns Hopkins study half of all American adults—including 70 percent of those age 65 and older—take a multivitamin or another vitamin or mineral supplement regularly.There are thirteen vitamins and at least 16 minerals are essential to your health. Many of them aid enzyme reactions in your body or function as signaling molecules or structural elements.Your body also needs these nutrients for reproduction, maintenance, growth, and regulation of bodily processes.
Nothing can replace a diet full of healthy food choices but it is difficult for many of us to get all of the nourishment our bodies truly need. In fact, the prevalence of processed food in the American diet makes it nearly impossible. Multivitamins may offer many of these vitamins and minerals — but in varying forms and amounts. They may also contain other ingredients like herbs, amino acids, and fatty acids.
Among all of the health goals the new year brings about, achieving better heart health is one of the most popular ones. This is so…
Last updated on September 11th, 2024 at 02:20 pmPregnant women want what’s best for themselves and their children during this pivotal time of life. Vitamin…
Last updated on June 12th, 2024 at 03:52 pmIn the realm of health and wellness, few nutrients have garnered as much attention as vitamins D3…
Fruits and vegetables are crucial for maintaining good health and giving you the energy boost you need to win your day. However, due to various…
Last updated on May 23rd, 2023 at 11:59 amVitamin K won’t prevent you from breaking a leg if you do something silly or have an…
Last updated on June 2nd, 2021 at 08:59 amThe first couple of weeks post-delivery can be hard on a new mom. A new baby can…
Pregnancy comes with a lot of changes. While some things are easy to figure out, other issues like knowing when and which supplements you need to take aren’t so clear cut. In this series we will discuss supplements and pregnancy. Let’s start with prenatal supplements.
As autumn ends and winter beckons, Vitamin D becomes more relevant to the health and immunity of our bodies. Today we will discuss what Vitamin D is and why it is important.
Last updated on May 23rd, 2023 at 02:06 pmWell we can’t promise a magnificent body with a multi-vitamin alone but you have to start somewhere…